Pokéheroes Hangman Helper

Wrong Guesses (Blacklist):

To use the hangman helper efficiently and quickly, you need to use the 'Tabbing method' in your device. Open one tab of PH hangman helper and other one of the hangman game in PH.

1. Use the most common characters, that is, vowels till you get about 20%-30% of the word. (Vowels = 'A' -> 'E' -> 'I' -> 'O' -> 'U') Screenshot-20210530-111733
2. Copy the word using, Holding down to select the word -> Copy (in mobile) Or Selecting the word -> Ctrl + C
Selecting the Word -> Right Click -> Copy (in pc). Please check for any 'SPACES' before the word copied. Copyy
3. Enter/Paste the word copied using the 'Paste' button by clicking on it. Or use Ctrl + V to paste. Then, enter the wrong guesses in the Blacklist text box. Then, click on 'Search'. Screenshot-20210530-111859
4. After clicking on the 'Search', Possible words will appear in the box below. In order to find out the correct word, use the most common character from the possible words. If it is wrong, put the wrong character in the 'Blacklist' box and then click 'Search'. If it is correct, then Copy the word again and 'Set the word' by pasting the new word in the first text box. Now click 'Search'. Repeat the process until you get only one word in 'possible words' box. Common-Char Steps
5. Now, you successfully guessed your word! Congrats! Continue the same process for the next word! And don't forget to click on the '[Clear]' button of the Blacklist! Screenshot-20210530-112028

There could be one or more possible reasons why Paste button is not working in your device. First possiblity is that, your browser may not be supported to Asychronous access of your device's clipboard. All Chromium browsers support the Paste button. sketch1622366736617
Second possibility can be that you may have not given the permission to the browser to access your clipboard. You need to click on 'Allow' to use the paste button. If you have blocked mistakenly or it is turned off maybe. You can turn on it by going to 'site settings' in 'settings' of your browser. There, select 'Clipboard' and turn it on (if its off) or remove this site from the blocklist. Now the paste button will work as it should. :)
• Credits to base hangman to Mrinja.
• 'Search' function and 'Blacklist' feature credit to NanaWolfe (Forked from their hangman)
• Database of words credit to Ravenswing (here), and indirectly to SwampFall.
• Paste Button, Clear Button and Interactive Coloured Interface made by -Prajju.

Used Blogspot for Hangman Helper as in Jsfiddle, the asynchronous feature of clipboard was blocked, and Jsitor and other webs took too much time to be loaded (not good for users with poor connection), so thatswhy I used Blogspot. :) (-Prajju is the blog owner of this hangman. If you are having any problem, please contact me.)
Thank you. Have a nice day ahead! (。’▽’。)♡
